It is located in the province of Tungurahua. It is well-known for both its mineral-rich thermal springs and its proximity to hiking paths on the active Tungurahua volcano, which is located to the south. Pasarela Diamante, often known as the Diamante Skywalk, is a new tourist attraction that just opened in the town of Baos de Agua Santa. SentryGlas® was selected for the hanging platform because of its exceptional safety and post-breakage characteristics. The platform itself is comprised of 32mm laminated glass.
Incredible views and landscapes, in which the surrounding natural environment plays a significant role, are available for tourists to take in during their stay. The length of the Diamante Skywalk is 45 meters, and it includes an observation tower that has 8 stories and climbs 39 meters into the air. In addition to that, it is elevated above the city by one kilometer.
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